Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Thursday?

Black Friday is easily one of the most exciting days for many consumers. It is the day people are willing to lose sleep to wait in endless lines at stores. It is the day that people will get into physical brawls over merchandise. It is the day that people might even camp outside of a store just to get what they want.

But what happens when Black Friday actually starts on Thursday-- Thanksgiving!!

Many of the stores this year started their door busters at 6 P.M. on Thursday. My family and I typically do partake in the Black Friday festivities, but we don't go out until Friday morning. To me, it just does not seem right that we having people fighting in stores over things they want when it is supposed to be a day to give thanks for all the things that we have. The true meanings of Thanksgiving and Christmas are being buried by greed.

In my opinion, it seems ridiculous that people would be willing to leave their family gatherings to go shopping. In addition, think of all of the workers who are spending their Thanksgiving checking out the endless line of shoppers instead of getting to spend time with their loved one's and give thanks.

From another perspective, it's not solely the selfishness of a customer. Consumers may feel tempted by these great deals and feel the need to go out shopping so they can give their loved ones the best gift possible. The stores may be more to blame. They extend their sale period in order to make more money. In turn, customers are missing out on their Thanksgiving gatherings in order to buy the things they could normally get on Friday.

Some people may choose to shop on Thanksgiving, but I will be choosing to feast with my beautiful family and give thanks!


  1. It is ridiculous! The time stores are opening for black friday is becoming earlier and earlier! I hate it! I hope i never fall into the temptations to go out on thanksgiving night! I wish all stores were required to be closed on thanksgiving! People need to spend time with their families and loved ones, not work. My sisters had to go work at six on Thankgiving night and now I wot see them until christmas Eve. It pisses me off. They didnt want to work but they cant say no to their boss because they have to have a job in order to pay for their bills and what not. I think black friday should be on FRIDAY! There were some major stores, which I dont remeber which ones, that were closed on Thanksgiving and I hpe to see more follow in their footsteps next year. But the least stores could do is not open until like five in the morning on Fridy, just so those who dont get to spend as much time with their families and loved ones get a chance to do so when they can... Hopefully there will never be a Black Christmas where people shop on Christmas or some kind of bull shit like that.

  2. Last year I began to dislike the consumerism associated with the winter holidays. As a child, Christmas morning was my favorite day of the year - stockings and presents and spending time with my family. Now it all seems distorted to me.

    Why should a holiday revolve around buying things? What am I going to buy for my brother? What am I going to buy for my parents? What are my parents going to buy for me?

    It's stressful and kind of disgusting.

    This year I didn't go Black-Thursday/Friday shopping, but I will admit to spending far too much time on amazon exploring their hypnotizing array of deals. I wish the holidays were not associated with buying things...
