Monday, November 16, 2015

The other day I caught myself looking at all of the Christmas decorations in the mall, thinking to myself, “I can’t wait until Christmas”. I then read an article about people’s reactions to Starbucks’ PLAIN red cups.

               If you don’t know the story about these red cups, I’ll briefly fill you in:

People (Christians) are fired up about Starbucks using blank red cups instead of the usual ones that say “Merry Christmas” on them. They exclaim that they are taking Christ out of Christmas.

               Anyway, after shopping at the mall and then reading that article, I realized that I, along with many others, are at fault for something.

               Skipping over Thanksgiving!!!

               My family has issues with one another and some live very far away, so we have always been segregated when it comes to holidays. With that being said, Thanksgiving has never really been big at my house. Sure, we have a dinner and watch a couple movies afterward, but it’s usually just my two bothers and I, and my mom and dad. Our family has inadvertently downplayed Thanksgiving.

               My parents have always taught me to be thankful for everything I have, so I guess I’ve never saw the importance of it, at least not to the degree that I should. But try to see my side, what makes Thanksgiving more important than any other day? Shouldn’t we have just as much gratitude any other day than November 26th?

               My mom and I have always been excited about Thanksgiving because of one major thing: BLACK FRIDAY!! We would always leave our house at around 8, and sit outside the mall in our warm car until midnight. Looking back on it, I realized how messed up that is. We are completely ignoring the entire purpose of the holiday. We say our prayer, stuff our faces real quick, and then get suited up to go blow money on material things that will eventually fade.

               It wasn’t until this year, when I got invited to my boyfriend’s for Thanksgiving, where I realized that my family (along with numerous others) have been doing it all wrong. Yes, we should be thankful every day, but we should also take advantage of the day that allows our entire family (usually) to take a break and spend time with one another.

               This Thanksgiving will be different. Although I will not be with any of my family (brother is on a military base, other brother with his wife’s family, and my parents in Chicago- shopping on the magnificent mile) I will still be surrounded by great people and I will cherish that.

               It has never infuriated me that Black Friday has taken over Thanksgiving, or that Christmas decorations are put up everywhere the day after Halloween. I assume this class, and the internship I did this summer are making me more aware of all of the things going on around me.

               I hope this Thanksgiving will be a blessing for everyone, and that we as a class can all remember to cherish this holiday, and not just go on autopilot while we’re waiting for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Kristi, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving first off! But secondly, I would like to share some thoughts about my take on Black Friday.
    Black Friday does not make me mad. I understand people just want to find good deals and shop and even just have fun watching hooligans fight over stupid things. I have never been black friday shopping but maybe one day I will go. What infuriates me about Black Friday is when stores around the country open up late Thanksgiving night and call it black friday. I absolutley HATE when stores or corporations are open on hollidays. Black Friday is runing well spent family time and time to just relax. This year both of my sisters have to leave here(home) and drive back to Columbia to work at their job on Thanksgivng night because their boss would not let them off. I have no problem with stores being open on Friday. It is when they are open on hollidays that gets me all worked up.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
