Friday, November 20, 2015


It controls peoples lives. From they day they are born from they day they die. You are either born poor, middle class, or upper class and you have to choice on which category you get to fall in. Some of us have it great, while others struggle to make ends meet day to day. But why do we as humans prioritize money so much? In the end we all die.

When I was in junior high school and all throughout high school I thought that I just hadddd to make tons of money. One, because I thought I would love to be able to by what ever I want whenever I want. Two, I thought it would make me better than those who did not make as much as me. And sure, it would be fun to make money but does it really make me better? For some reason I was looking at money as power for he longest time until, which I do not know what cause this yet, I looked at money differently. I looked at peoples happiness and what they were doing with their money. Those who seemed to be the happiest were not millionaires but they were the ones with close relationships with their friends and family. Those who were happy took it moments, memories, and the little things that really make this life here on Earth meaningful.

Recently I have decided to stop trying to look for the best way to make a lot of money for my future. I have decided to put it in Gods hands. If I wind up making a bunch of money then so be it. But I have choosen a career path that I think I will love. I want to be a teacher(and wrestling coach). I want to impact the lives of others all around me. I am no longer chasing the so beloved evil of money. I am chasing the happiness of myself, the close relationships that money cannot muy, and I am chasing the respect of everyone around me.

So I ask others to join me. Quit wasting time trying to chase something that in the end does not mean a damn thing because we all die, and chase those moments and feelings you can share with others and impact their lives and generations of lives. Leave your own leagacy, no matter how big or small it is.


  1. Alex, this is so great. You are right when you say that people prioritize money in huge ways. It signifies success and power, right? Nope! Success is truly measured by doing something that you're good at, that you love, that makes you happy, whatever that thing may be. And success is also about following your dreams. At least, that is what success means in my eyes. I think it is awesome that you want to be a teacher and coach. My mom is a teacher, and I can tell you from her stories and seeing her live that life on a daily basis, it is truly a rewarding job. You will not only be able to impact the lives of your students, but you will also see how they can impact your life as well. And as for the coaching goes, being able to help teach a sport that you clearly love and are good at will be extremely rewarding as well. Best of luck to you!!

  2. This is all so true. Too often I hear people say, "I really want to do this career but it doesn't make very much money." I understand that money is essential to be able to have stability in our lives. But money should not become so controlling that people are hesitant to spend their lives doing what they love because they may not be as wealthy as they would like. Having money is something that is drilled into our heads when we are young and we grow up believing that being wealthy is the goal of life. As you said, happiness is not money. Happiness is being surrounded by people you love and getting to spend each day doing something you feel passionate about.
