Monday, November 16, 2015


What are values? The proper definition for the context in which I am referencing the word is, “a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgement of what is important in life”.
So, what is important? 

School, grades, popularity, success, money, power, outward appearance…

These are just a few to be named based on what I see around me in today’s culture. 

But my question is, why? Why are these things deemed important? Who says that outward appearance outweighs what is on the inside? And why do we believe it?

Is it that we are so focused on what culture is saying that we cannot be happy with our choices and lifestyles unless everyone else approves? 
“Am I skinny enough?”
“Am I smart enough?”
“Am I pretty enough?”
“Am I successful enough?”

YOU are enough, regardless of what culture says. No matter what values are thrown your way. Shouldn't it be enough to simply stand up for what YOU value, no matter what anyone else says?
To me, that is enough. If you feel strongly enough about something to hold it at such a high standard and base your standards around it, then it is enough. So often we are taught that we have to be or act or talk or think a certain way, and that is simply not true. 

If you value something; if something in your life has meaning to you, then why not stand up for those things? You have to go after what you want, and your “wants” are influenced by your values. 

Why, then, do we as a people, not stand up for things in this world when they aren't right? Imagine if every time someone saw someone else being wronged they stood up and said this isn't right. What do you think would change? I think the whole world could change. 

They are important if they build others up. This world tears people down more than it should. 
So, let’s start focusing on the good things and hold those to a higher standard than the superficial things. Let’s build others up instead of making them question what they are doing or how they are living or in whom they believe.

Most importantly, let’s value each other.

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