Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prompt Response & Poem

This is my (Justin's) response to the prompt from tonight's session, and a poem my pen took to writing recently:

"Someone has done it before."

This is probably my biggest fear, that I will be heard and people will think it's not worth their time because it's been done before, and done better. This poem is just a mediocre expression of this feeling. I fear being seen as incompetent in my poetry. My happiness with my written words is a result of seeing my work get better over time, as I practice. So if I think others won't connect to or like what I write, I'm scared to share. But like Goldberg says, I am not the poem, so why take personally compliments or criticisms? It's not mine, it's God's, it's the world's. It's not mine. But in the face of people's responses, I'm sensitive. My poetry reflects on me and I'm scared to receive ill repute. I'm afraid listeners will deem my creations as low quality. I'm a perfectionist (recovering), and so I want everyone to like what I write. But that's ridiculous. I have a right to share my work and maybe one person connects with one part. Even then, I think, I believe it's worth it. When it comes to art, perfect doesn't happen. There is only what one likes, relates to, feels about. It's not my responsibility to write and share masterpieces, only to create pieces that come from my depths. I'm further encouraged to have to nothing to fear. "Good evening, fear. I'd like to set you aside tonight."


Your words
stream out
as muddy waters
they keep flowing

Show me your source

Let me drink
clarity in my water

Show me your source

I'm wanting to put it under
The motion of your motives




  1. Thank you, Justin. Keep setting aside that fear because this is beautiful!

    "When you have freed yourself from attachment to the results of work, and from desires for the enjoyment of sense objects, you will ascend to the unitive state. Reshape yourself through the power of your will; never let yourself be degraded self-will. The will is the only friend of the Self, and the will is the only enemy of the Self." (Gita 6:4-5).

    Keep putting it out there. (it doesn't matter what I think, anyway)

  2. Yes, your poetry reflects upon you, Justin, THANK GOD! Most of us deal with a "them". Mother Theresa said something like, " was never between you and them, anyway..." Poetry is your gift to share with the world, and your recognition that fear must be cast off (sometimes, often) is a reminder to all of us. Thank you.
