Thank you, Katie Consamus, for responding pronto to my needy request for feedback. Whoosh, you delivered big time! I’m in a new phase of the journey, time to kick it like karate and finish this book/memoir/mishmash/collage! You’ve encouraged me with your words, like these…
“You know, I read Dear Layla on the train.  If I remember correctly, I was on the Brooklyn-bound Q train en route to some obscure audition for some pretentious adaptation of some Ibsen play…”
“And when you wrote about Carla playing the saddest song she knew on the violin… I remembered that to be of service, I do not have to abandon my art.  That it IS service.
It’s true, I want to be your agent, so let me prove myself first on Facebook, where I will circulate your writings.  Over the years, you’ve read me with energetic attentiveness, and I want to read you likewise–send me anything you’re working on, random scribbles,  magnum opus you’re laboring over and under, bedside nightstand dream log entries, recipes from your great-aunt, list of favorite asanas, five ordinary places in NYC that expand your heart, three secrets you’ve not yet told to a living soul!
Send me the topics of your curiosity (unless Mev and Layla have worn you out!) and I will respond with brio: postcards,  notes, letters, lists, villanelles.
Every person engaged in a writing or creative project needs to have a reader/friend/mirror/Muse like you.
I am stronger, happier, and saner because you’re in my life.