Tuesday, April 14, 2015

At the End of the Rainbow by Penny Smith

A little girl who I love very much
Was talking about lizards and dolphins and such
Said her peas were cold, her favorite color was gold; 
"Cuz that's what's at the end of the rainbow."

A few days later while driving in my car
Driving fast and driving far
I prayed that I might regain that childhood delight,
Cuz that's what's at the end of the rainbow.

A little boy who I love very much
Who, on Earth, said only "choo-choo!" and such,
Will again one day play with his sister and say,
"Cuz that's what's at the end of the rainbow."

1 comment:

  1. Now ask Sarah Bollinger to write the music and you've got a song to sing!
