Sunday, November 25, 2012

Writing to Wake Up with Jenn Lay and Doc Chmiel: Give Thanks

Writing to Wake Up with Jenn Lay and Doc Chmiel: Give Thanks

Woke up this morning with a dozen thoughts -- that’s usually a sign of a productive day to come -- unless I get lost in the maze that is my mind.  I have a writing date today which I am looking very forward to.  One thing I do love about taking the bus is that it necessitates an early arrival to my destination, which I’d likely otherwise be, though fashionably, late to.  

How to begin the day, to begin the writing session with friends? Oh I feel so behind, because of time missed. Or due to life lived in the gap, am I behind at all? It’s not something that can be measured, and does it matter? The willingness to join up again and walk together is all I need to feel up to speed.

Giving Thanks -- a good topic for the week as I really haven’t thought about what I’m thankful for lately considering it is the week of Thanksgiving.  Maybe it’s the busyness of work lately where the only reason I remembered Thanksgiving was seeing the lady in the office making a turkey hand sign -- so joyously too!  I couldn’t help but wonder if it’s the one creative thing she gets to do each holiday.

**Meandering complaints omitted -- not the focus of the exercise, nor necessary for this practice to include.  Sparing the cyber-world of my begrudging, though I know better than to censor myself!  I do myself a disservice, though for now it keeps the pond around me unrippled, likely best for now.  These thoughts might be included in future machete-written words -- stay tuned.**

I am so thankful that I can say yes and no to work.  I can work at 3 in the morning, and on another note, no one is going to tell me today that next week at this time I have to be available from one time slot to another.  No not having enough vacation days to go home...what vacation days?  For part of every week I have vacation days if I choose.  This certainly isn’t a time of banking Benjamins daily, but I can truly say that no amount of money can replace the joy and relief of autonomy -- invoicing others who are invoicing still others for time and talent -- talent that is appreciated in a tangible way, dollars, the way that as a society we operate through this life, which allows me to live and explore and enjoy my life.  I’m grateful for the different and interesting people that I get to work with, and I’m grateful that good work is rewarded with bigger jobs and a bigger price tag on, oh, me!

I’m grateful for friends calling me up -- and bummed when I can’t make it over, but know there is a bond that goes beyond time and place.  I’m grateful for a wonderful boyfriend who supports me in all of my dreams and visions, some pretty hazy, lofty, and he still cheers me on never doubting my newest hobby -- this week it happens to be sewing a shirt from a Simplicity pattern, and no, I've never sewn anything by myself.  For his amazing cooking skills sparked with creativity and innovation that -- though I can follow recipes, I will never have skill or desire to pursue.  For many other things he does and is that is more suited to live in a thick book.

For happiness each day.  For laughter every day.

I’m thankful for a loving family, though they do not always see eye to eye with me -- at least that care a lot and show it in the ways they know how.  I know not everyone is so lucky.  I’m grateful for all of my family members who I’ve had a childhood and adulthood to grow up with and around -- to know them.  For various skills I’ve learned from them, for their attention, their interest in all of my endeavors; for love.

I’m grateful for education, Wikipedia, Ehow and Adobe product tutorials.  For free shipping and delivery.  For SLPL, the public library; for my downtown branch (opening December 9!).  For free trials and support in nearly every software program that I'm interested in.  For popcorn with flavors, for wine and coffee (mmm -- yes).  For wine and coffee connoisseurs to direct me to flavors I enjoy most.  For so many things that make life joyful, rich and interesting.  For my two dogs, who give us such joyful days full of entertainment.  For books, for reading, for All Along Letterpress. For the gift to tell their story in a sequence; to use my gifts, something they cannot do to highlight their gifts, something I cannot do.  I want my entire life to be filled with things like these -- codependence and mutual benefit -- a lifetime of gratitude.

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