Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Why do we look for things of this world to give us security, self confidence, and fulfillment?

I think it's because the message that worldly things can fulfill us is all around us. It's on TV, countless magazines, many songs, and it dominates advertisement. We can't even go to the store without being bombarded by empty promises for a more fulfilling life.
A better husband, boyfriend, wife, car, house, clothing, job, body, etc.
Our thought process becomes distorted and we truly start to believe that if we only have _________ then our lives would be better.
I'm here bring you back to reality: every single thing that this world has to offer is temporary. No person, possession, profession, or position can fill the cup of a wounded, broken, insecure heart.
It is an emptiness only God can fulfill.

In a world where it is so tempting to believe these lies, I urge you to find happiness in yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This post really hit home for me. I couldn't agree with what you more. We are constantly told to upgrade what we have for something, bigger, better, faster, newer. You are right though- happiness can not be bought from a store, at least not permanent happiness. Every single thing and every single relationship made on this earth is temporary, and if we are not truly at peace with ourselves, we can't expect anything or anyone else to fill the emptiness. Thank you for this, because as of right now, I feel like my happiness is solely based on the outcomes of my exams today and tomorrow.
