Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Evening News Hour

In the midst of the ugliness
Of what's on the evening news hour,
I often find myself reverting back to the images
And the sounds that filled my day,
Warmed up my heart and healed my soul.
The images of beautiful children
With the most amazing smiles
And the sounds of the musical chatter
Of more than a dozen different languages
Heard in the school's cafeteria and hallways.
The images of children helping, comforting and
Protecting each other, standing up for what is right;
And the sounds of whispers and giggles,
Laughter, singing and happy screams of children
At play in the courtyard during recess
On a hot summer day or a breezy fall afternoon.
Under the deluge of all the bad news,
And in the absence of humanity and decency
If we were to believe all the reports,
I find myself seeking and finding comfort
In the memory of the warm hug of a grateful mother
Too overwhelmed with emotions to speak;
And in the strong handshake of a proud father
Who only wants the best for his young daughters.
And as I soak in all these beautiful images,
The broadcast gloomy account of the day,
Duly acknowledged, starts to loose its grip
To slowly fade away.  My faith in humanity, slightly
Bruised, fights back demanding full restoration
To impose itself once again against all odds.
I take a deep breath feeling calmer,
More grounded and a little bit stronger;
I am grateful for today, for each day,
And full of hope for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Have you posted this on yr Facebook and tagged 30 people?

    I think it would be a very nice gift!
