Sunday, July 19, 2015

Why I am a Rich Man by Martin Antonio Zaldivar

1) I have a capacity to love deeply and fully. I aspire to love selflessly, and I am surrounded by persons who have the same aspiration. 

2) I can and do question, refine, persuade, enliven, scream, comfort, share, educate, touch and decry with my voice. There is so much injustice. Fucking fuck fuck fuck! And there is so much strength! Yes, so much strength!

3) In closing my eyes I hear melody, and opening them, I see harmony. 

4) When I die my student loans can't follow me (so screw off, Sallie Mae!).

5) I don't know where I'm going, who I'm going with, and I don't know when, but somehow, I know I'll get there. 

6) I've sensed my own decay, and let it propel me towards living fully. 

7) I get to try to help others grow and love themselves and others, help others feel their freedom through conscientization... I do this for a living and I love it! 

8) Laughter returns to me what my intellect robs. 

9) I'll take a jump with a trembling hand and a faith in the goodness which exists in us all. They can rob me of my end, but you can't rob me of what attitude I will take to get to that end! 

10) I've seen and felt beauty, and felt myself to be a part of a greater whole. Literature has helped me step back and refine my method.
11) I've learned that the word "I" is a profound truth and lie. 

--Martin is a recent MSW graduate from Saint Louis University. He'll  be part of the discussions in the Essential Ginsberg Reading Group.

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