Saturday, September 22, 2012

"The pace of my life" by Jenn Reyes Lay

Breathing in, I know I am breathing in, breathing out, I know I am breathing out.  What is the pace of my life?  It depends on my enviornment.  In Sangha it is slow and conscious and purposeful.  In the morning I take my time waking up.  Enjoy the presence of Bella, Roger, my family all cuddled up in bed together.  I enjoy the slow morning walks with Bella outside, especially now the cooler weather is here.  Then work maybe mixed in with facebook, e-mails, or some tv.  Slow mornings mostly, which I love.  Lunch often seems hurried.  I have to leave for work by 12:30 so depending when lunch is ready is how fast I eat.  Most days no mindfulness goes into my food, no slow savory bites.  Just shove it all down, quick clean up, kiss goodbye, and run out the door to speed off to work.  Then at work it's very different.  Multi-task is the name of the game when you work in an office, espeically at the front desk taking calls, answering doors, helping clients and the lawyers.  Always more to do than gets done.  But I've learned.  I've learned from my last job no job is worth stressing yourself out over. No job is worth headaches and tension and anxiety.  You do what you can, when you can.  You take breaths and write priority lists, and sometimes you just have to accept it will get done tomorrow.  I used to worry about what my boss thinks, what my co-workers think.  If they are running around like a chicken with their head cut off or popping pills for tension headaches, I should be too... That's the sign of success after all isn't it?  

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