Thursday, July 5, 2012

Religion. What Should bind us 

Wander with yourself and be at peace. Time will be there as it was before and as it will be after. Relax. Look behind you, and see what you did. Are there wakes in your path? 
The theory of getting what I want by focusing on it is a surprising one. And also there is this terrifying powerful force something within you it brought out a horrid knowledge. On multiple occasions. Truth and let me explain the thing I don't have words for. When you stand alone or sit with people for a short time. Projections are made for instance. I don't know these folks sitting around my table. We speak a few times each month.
old love
Religion. My Religion because its better that way is to believe everything will work out. To listen to the universe. Hear it's song feel the rhythm. Forgetting what I know. Forgetting and feeling a truth. The truth.

Is a Religion a subject that must be argued so entirely? Serious Rituals passed down for ages with little change. Many people who I respect feel that churches are places that are not living up to the promise. In one way yes a religion comes and goes. But why? 

When can a movement be called a religion? 

Should people be encouraged to explore other types of religion? Sometimes I specifically view Catholicism or Christianity as a cult type movement. My brother and Father are both Christian. For what reason? I suppose they could answer that. 2012 April 


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