Saturday, June 14, 2014

It's a Mystery

It's a Mystery

It's nothing to be told
nothing in that moth eaten winter coat of yours
that can stand the test of time
Nothing can be understood about where it came from
about the person who wore it before ;you
why they kept it for so long
or didn't keep it from the moths

It's a mystery
as is everything before our eyes
the sunrise, moonrise
how the wind rises through the wheat and rolls across the plains
carrying the dust of our ancestors 
It's a mystery
whether the creator wishes us well or flung us
like so many seedlings into the fields of the earth
shouting, "surprise me!  what are you capable of?"

Its a mystery
how we come to walk and talk and hold out our tiny fingers
grasping for hope and help
longing for grace and understanding
smiling compassion on our world

Its a mystery
why I love, why I have friends whom I love
why anyone would love me
how I can love and let go -
how does that  look?  how does that feel?
this mystery of holding, not-holding
coming to be

It's a mystery 
where our deep seated longings slip to or from
and how we find room for the smallest of the animals
and the fish and birds and if the trees can sing in the springs breeze
and the rain fall like dew on every living thing

It's a mystery
how you came to be, how I came to be
how we met, that we are friends
that nothing needs hidden
everything and everyone is blessed and more blessed
now and forever.  Amen
It's a mystery.

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